Fighting Killer
Fighting Killer (1971), also called Dört Hergele, is an English Dubbed Turkish Martial Arts flick in the same vein as if 'Once Upon a Time in Mexico' had a threesome love child with 'Mitchell' and 'The Guy from Harlem'. The main character named 'Tony the Tiger' - not to be confused with the Cereal Mascot - and his two Amigos that take out karate-chopping vengeance on those that killed his family. Filled with MANOS-esque meandering scenes, confusing segues, and rife with face-crawling mustaches, I feel this film has more riffable material per square foot of cellophane than a 12 hour Winters film marathon. Huzzah!
Dubious Denizen of the Dark commented
Small correction. Dort Hergele was released in 1971. Fighting Killer, the dubbed version, was released in 1974, unless the internet is lying. Not even the movie knows when it was released!