The Swarm (1978)
Oscar nominated flick created during the Dark Ages of Hollywood's disaster fetish period. Starring countless celebs du jour and Oscar nominated actors:
Katharine Ross, Richard Widmark, Richard Chamberlain, Olivia de Havilland, Patty Duke, Fred MacMurray, Michael Caine and Henry Fonda. Yes. Michael FREAKING Caine and Henry FREAKING Fonda.
Bad Movies Review:
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Kristin commented
Michael Caine is angry throughout this entire movie - not because of the swarm but because he’s mad at himself for taking the part. Please riff this please please please
John Crow commented
Come on this has Cameron 'Hammer Parachute Pants Space Mutiny' Mitchell! It apparently has one or two other actors of note too.
All of this and gigantic killer swarms of bees? Someone had the gift of precognition and made this movie just for Rifftrax. -
Robert A. Foor commented
I saw this movie in the theater. As we were leaving, I got itchy. I had broken out in hives for no apparent reason.
I want revenge!
(True story. The hives... and the wanting revenge.) -
Andy in NJ commented
Needs to be riffed for sure.
TB Tabby commented
Here's the FanboyFlicks review if you want a little more detail. Be sure to pay close attention to the "bee vision" shots that look like the opening to Family Affair, and the way the actors keep referring to the bees are "The Africans," resulting in some very awkward lines of dialogue.
Eegah commented
This is perfect riffing fodder! Awesomely over-the-top acting! Stupid dialogue! An all-star cast: Michael Caine...Richard Widmark...Richard Chamberlain...Olivia de Havilland...Jose Ferrer...Patty Duke...Slim Pickens...Fred McMurrary...Henry Fonda...Cameron Mitchell! One thing that they did right: the bee effects are really good. No superimposed bees, actual bees!!! Here's our favorite scene. Watch Michael Caine blow a blood vessel!