Time Out For Trouble (1961)
This is Shake Hands With Danger- but for the home! It's from the University of Oklahoma and psychiatrists were consulted and credited on this thing! There's a really put out mother who just isn't finding house work
as exciting as it should be- also there's a clock that's a real See You Next Thursday- ;) I enjoyed it and I hope you guys and gals take a gander at it!
Here are your links-
Paul1982 commented
This is a really great short to riff. There's a talking clock who schemes to make people suffer. Peoples accidents are blamed on their moods as if not being happy is a moral failure. One of the lines in the short is "The death certificate could have read 'died of boredom'"! And at 20 minutes long it could work on its own or for a RiffTrax live.