The House on Skull Mountain 1974
If you've ever brought your relatives together for a reading of your will, and you're a voo-doo priestess- then this is the movie for you! Starring Victor French (Mr. Edwards from Little House on the Prarie), the first Lionel from the Jeffersons and several others, this is one good bad movie- it's got interracial romance (between distant cousins), a power obsessed butler who wants to raise the priestess from the dead, and a voo-doo fight/dance scene to rival the likes of West Side Story - in my opinion, because of the nearly all African American cast (I'm guessing) it was very progressive for the time- by the way, this is it's only redeeming quality here are your links
Starkadder commented
It's pretty much blaxploitation old dark house but yeah the line "Honky in the wood pile" needs to become a thing.