Lost TV Pilot: America 2100 (1978)
Once again I bring another lost bizarre pilot from the late 70s. A year before Starstruck, ABC apparently greenlighted this disturbing concept reminiscent of Woody Allen's Sleeper, and later Futurama.
But not in a really good way.
Basically the premise goes something to this effect: two standup comedians down on their luck attempt to keep warm within their freezing hotel room. One decides to boil milk for some reason, while the other has them take some sleeping pills.
Mysteriously as a result, the gas from the oven kills them, but the cold air somehow freezes them cryogenically, where they end up in suspended animation for 120 years. They are found by scientists who use cell rejuvenation to revive them into a bizarre world ran by a supercomputer called Max.
The funny part is when they Dr. Karen Harland, played by Karen Valentine, who informs them what has happened why the guys ponder whether or not this whole thing is nothing more than a bad dream.
Max (voiced by Sid Caesar) runs the world by appointing jobs to people when they are six. When the guys begin protesting the way of life here, Max consigns them both to the local zoo as specimens from the 'ancient 20th Century.' Meanwhile they plead their case to Karen by saying it's better to do things you want to do than being assigned, and she has always wanted to dance, leading to a brief montage of her dancing. Enjoying it, she pleads the guys' case to Max.
Reluctantly Max decides to leave the guys in her care, where she can educate them on life in the 22nd Century, whereas they can teach them how life was in the 20th Century.
So why should this bizarre pilot be riffed?
1) Absurd pilot right off the bat: In Sleeper, Woody Allen's character Miles accidentally gets preserved due to a mishap at his hospital; In Futurama, Philip J. Fry accidentally falls into a cryo-chamber and is frozen for 1000 years. But here, you kind of wonder how exactly did these guys get saved from gas inhalation? Though Dr. Karen explains that allegedly in a split-second the cold air mixed with the gas freezes them into suspended animation, one wonders how did they remain in the hotel without anyone finding them. As Mike might ponder: what? Did Earth undergo a global disaster back in 1978 which caused these guys to be buried and well-preserved for 120 years?
Then comes the odd fact when the guys are revived, they first think they are dreaming, then just accept the fact they've 'slept' for 120 years. Though you want to follow the MST3K mantra, and just relax, but you actually can't for the fact you're still wrapping your head around the fact of how these two guys somehow survived this long.
2) The lack of futuristic things: One thing I learned about 'futuristic shows' of the 70s was that unless you had a really decent budget, you basically just had a show about people in jumpsuits and videophones with robots and that was about it. In America 2100, for the most part you see Dr. Karen in her futuristic outfit, the scientific looking room. Then Max as a robot, though he's a supercomputer. Sadly, the Jetsons this ain't. Even the House of the Future (aka 1999 AD) at least did a better job, and they were genuinely predicting the future.
3) Max the supercomputer robot. Not since Crow, Tom and Gypsy have we seen a more hilarious mechanical character. Voiced by Sid Caesar, Max comes off more like a fussy old man than a omnipotent supercomputer. And strangely enough, he's pretty much what makes the show itself. I recall only enduring this long enough to see Max make more appearances.
Overall America 2100 was also a bit of a trainwreck, though at least it was good there were no apes involved in this one.
I originally attempted to find some clip to add to this to help you out, but apparently YouTube and Dailymotion have nothing to show. If any of you can find a clip or even the full video to this one, it would be appreciated.
So whaddya think, sirs?

Anonymous commented
It can now be found on youtube.
Dr. Fortyseven commented
FWIW, it was uploaded to YouTube a couple days ago. Just watched it this morning. ... ... oy ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_cjsFLr-RE