Darkness Falls (2003)
A film about an evil tooth fairy, that comes to children when they lose their last tooth. If anyone sees her she kills them. Also she only lives in the dark. When one boy survives a night with her, at the cost of losing his mother, he grows up having to live with the trauma. He comes back to the town, when his crush from when he was twelve starts having the same issues he does, and he comes back to rescue her, her son, and combat the evil tooth fairy.

Alex Haber commented
A film about an evil tooth fairy, that comes to children when they lose their last tooth. If anyone sees her she kills them. Also she only lives in the dark. When one boy survives a night with her, at the cost of losing his mother, he grows up having to live with the trauma. He comes back to the town, when his crush from when he was twelve starts having the same issues he does, and he comes back to rescue her, her son, and combat the evil tooth fairy.