Jack and Jill (2011)
Really, this is just a proxy for any Adam Sandler movie. Remind me again how he's still allowed to make movies.

Andy in NJ commented
They said they won't riff comedies. Since there are no laughs in this,is it really a comedy?
Kristy commented
Lol- this is one of my favorite movies- not because it's anything genius or especially highbrow- but I ALWAYS FORGET IT'S HIM BEING JILL- now that's genius, I don't care what ridiculousness goes on, or how unbelievable it would be for Al Pacino to fall in love with Jill, or the fact that this movie has more continuity errors than ought to be legally allowed, Sandler did a good job being two people in this and it's too cute too be forgotten! WHERE WERE YOU?