Synopsis: A team of Parkour practitioners is abducted by the criminal Mr. Frank that puts remotely controlled necklaces with explosives around their necks to force them to participate in a millionaire gambling death race for their lives.
Bad Acting (Brazilian Model Rebecca DeCosta)
Poorly Edited
Sean Faris looks eerily like a young Tom Cruise
Cheezy stunts/effects
Over the top bad guy played by Danny Dyer
Low Budget
Shot in Cleveland (that joke pretty much writes itself)
Seymour Cassel
Here's some quotes that were on imdb
Gramps: Nothing great came from easy - except great sex from easy women.
Morris: You're such a tease.
Chelsea: You're such a pervert!
Morris: And proud of it.
Ryan: All I know is - after the race today - something just... clicked.
Chelsea: Yeah, it's called a concussion.
Sir Terence: Talk is cheap; money buys whiskey.
Mr. Frank: Good afternoon, gentlemen. My name is Mr. Frank, and for the next sixty minutes you are my unwilling participants in a race for your life.
Finch: Bring it, dickface.
Mr. Frank: That's the spirit.
Definitely deserves a good riffing