Remember Me
Remember Me - starring Robert Pattinson, some other folks, and Pierce Brosnon. Here's the set-up - Robert Pattinson gets in trouble with "the law" and "the law's" hot daughter goes out on a double dog dare date with Robert Pattinson. They hit it off - but is it REAL??? REALLY REAL??? Robert Pattinson also hates his Daddy, Pierce Brosnon, for reasons. You wouldn't understand. The law's daughter finds out it was all a dare and wasn't REALLY REAL at all and gets so mad! Robert Pattinson insists it was REAL. Also, there's a younger sister who gets made fun of at a richer's private school, also for reasons. You'd probably understand if the movie told you. At a sleepover her hair gets cut by mean girls, which super pisses Robert Pattinson off, so he throws a fire extinguisher through a classroom window and scares the HELL out of 10 year old girls. Oh! I forgot! Robert Pattinson's older brother killed himself, for reasons! Anyway, everyone reconciles, and then Robert Pattinson gets killed by a terrorist plane on 9/11.
Here are your 3 good reasons:
Robert Pattinson being emotionally wrought. Because he does it so well!
Using 9/11 to tug on heart strings when it has absolutely nothing to do with any part of the movie whatsoever.
Like a genie granting 3 more wishes in perpetuity - SO MANY REASONS!