Rosemary's Baby
Rosemary's Baby was born for riffing.

kiwiverse commented
I watched this for the first time a week ago. I busted a gut at the end reveal.
I think Polanski was making fun of Americans and was laughing at us. It was supposed to be funny but we thought it was scary.
I'd still watch a riff of it, but this movie was 2 hrs and 15 minutes. Ugh.
And Ruth Gordon's character seemed sloshed the whole time. Was she supposed to? Couldn't take it serious.
Kristy commented
Kristy commented
Where do you start? The weirdly optimistic asexual wife that looks like a pregnant 14 year old boy or the unnaturally calm husband who just happens to be weak enough spiritually, mentally and emotionally that SATANISM becomes an option- or the quirky elderly neighbors- who despite having pretty much all this power at their disposal (what with being Satanists and all) still live in a crappy apartment building- rife with riff potential- CAUTION- very violent sex scene in this little gem- so this movie really isn't one for family night!
Kristy commented
A horror film from 1968 - this movie stars Mia Farrow as Rosemary- a pregnant newlywed living in a friendly NYC apartment building- or so she thinks! Quite a stressful mind freak if you're not expecting it- very edgy for its time but also very cheesy- this movie should be mandatory viewing for pre-marital counseling! The husband is seriously disturbed (he said orange was the new pink) Lol*(legally blonde reference) -and
Since when do you just trust people? Ever? The most baffling thing is the whole conspiracy and how everyone was in on it- watch and squirm in incredulity! It does have nudity and "satan worship" - but it's considered a classic and has a 99% on the tomatometer and an 87% from the audience- so there's that-