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How do I play?

Getting Started

  • On the main menu select Play. Select your game mode.
  • On the next screen you can choose your options. Once you're set up, press Start Game.
  • On the waiting screen you will be given a room code.
  • On any internet connected device (your phone, a laptop, ipad, etc) head to
  • On the RiffTrax.Games website, enter your name and the room code you see.
  • Share your room code with your friends. They can join locally or remotely. NOTE: There is no public lobby or matchmaking system in the game. Players cannot join your game unless you share your code.
  • You can play single player, two players (with a computer controlled bot), or 3-6 players (bot is optional).
  • Once everyone has connected and logged in, select Start Game.
  • To play the game you enter text on the website and watch the clips play back on your PC/Mac/Console.

How to Join a Remote Game

  • To join a game you need a room code. These can be shared by a friend or streamers.
  • Once you have their code, select Join on the main menu. Enter the room code. Then select Join Game.
  • Wait a moment and you will be connected. If you have a mic connected voice chat will start.
  • On any internet connected device (your phone, a laptop, ipad, etc) head to
  • On the RiffTrax.Games website, enter your name and the room code you see on your PC/Mac/Console.
  • To play the game you enter text on the website and watch the clips playback on your PC/Mac/Console.
  • Note: You can adjust voice chat settings by pressing pause and selecting Voice Chat.

Twitch Streamers! If you have Twitch Chat Voting enabled, your audience can vote for their favorite simply by sending the number of their choice into the Chat stream.

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