Quick download quality preview
On the download page you offer a variety of quality / size options, which is fantastic, especially for someone like me in a low-bandwidth country. However it can be tricky to choose at times - some older B-Movies look bad even at the best resolutions because the source material is bad, while your Live events benefit from higher res downloads, as these have great quality.
How about small-ish video download that shows a 10 - 15 second clip from the VOD repeated at all download resolutions, with the description of the quality level overlaid on the bottom (e.g Low Quality), starting at the lowest quality and going to the highest. This would enable customers to quickly and easily decide visually on the best version to download.
This feature would be good for other folks like me who live in countries where decent broadband speeds are unavailable, or very high priced, so we can determine whether it is worth going for the high-res download, even though it may take several hours, and cost extra money (e.g. when I hit my 20GB cap, it costs approx $5 per extra gig)