Rifftrax Products!
Hello, everyone at Rifftrax! I would first just like to say that I'm glad about the improvements, and additions that are going to be added to the site.
Also, I just want to say that you guys (the entire Rifftrax staff) are great, because you've brought me a lot of joy and laughter with your riffing and comedy.
Thank You So Much For That. :)
Now for the idea. It's actually an old idea
Remember those products you used to sell? Like those T-shirts (One T-shirt I remember said "Hi, Bob Executive. Which way is business?" and it had a picture of a guy holding a briefcase in the air.) Another one I remember were just stickers or bumper stickers that said RiffTrax. Granted I'm sure you guys had a lot more products and know and remember a lot more of the ones you sold.
So, can you guys bring them back? Those products?, I'm sure people will buy them (I know I will, I missed the chance to buy the Bob Executive shirt lol )
Anyway, that was my idea and suggestion. Bring that stuff back and sell it?
Best Regards and Love,