Remove the Mod @pants_doe
I just spent a long while having to talk to @pantsdoe because they decided to take a conversation where I was asking someone else how they had a favorite line in a movie, and then they said they saw it multiple times. That was the basis of the conversation and then @pantsdoe responded to tell me to go fuck off if I don't like the movie. No one else thought I was saying I didn't like the movie and when I told him he should stop being defensive and respond in kind with the rest of the community he doubled down and started to whisper me . Here is a copy of the whisper that explains why they are not suited for modding:
Today, 5:17:54 PM
PantsDoe: I had other replies to you that were basically copies of what other people said
Fultrim: You are a bad mod. period
Fultrim: i asked a simple question and you told me to F off
Fultrim: no one else did
Fultrim: you are just bad at modding and should be removed
PantsDoe: 16:48 <@pantsdoe> @Fultrim a lot of people have seen these movies a dozen times or more 16:49 <@pantsdoe> @Fultrim because we enjoy the movies and the chat 16:49 <@pantsdoe> @Fultrim that's what this channel is all about 16:50 <@pantsdoe> @Fultrim ROTOR is a channel favorite
Fultrim: you created the problem and are now trying to hide being mod privs
Fultrim: where did I attack anyone... where was i defensive
Fultrim: you created the problem
PantsDoe: 16:47 < fultrim> @CobaltAzurean how the hell do you have a favorite line
PantsDoe: 16:48 < fultrim> @CobaltAzurean wouldn't that require for you to have watched this movie enough times to find and remember a line?
PantsDoe: 16:49 < fultrim> @CobaltAzurean that was the doubt. why have you watched this movie multiple times and is it the origional movie line or the rifftrax line?
PantsDoe: 16:50 < fultrim> I am definitely watching these movies wrong. I have never seen one of these and thought. I am gonna watch that again
Fultrim: those are all normal questions from a person who doesn't experience this entertainment as a reoccuring thing
Fultrim: nothing attacking. just simple inquiry
PantsDoe: and i thought this was a perfectly normal mod response to someone questioning "why is this fun": 16:51 <@pantsdoe> @Fultrim also it's not very polite to question people "why do you like X". if you don't like it, you don't have to watch, follow, or comment
Fultrim: it was not. your response was defensive and rude
Fultrim: doubly so from a mod
Fultrim: your position makes it worse and I did not even know that till after you used your mod privs inapropriately
PantsDoe: i didn't like the escalation, which is why i timed out your paragraph and took it to whispers. didn't think the paragraph itself was too bad, just didn't want it taking place in chat.
PantsDoe: ok, see, you don't get anywhere by being insulting
Fultrim: I was responded to someone else. after you came back defensive a 2nd time I ignored you and let it go
PantsDoe: yup. and i ignored you
Fultrim: when someone tells you your being inapropriate it is not an insult
PantsDoe: pawsed reignited it
Fultrim: you should have corrected pawsed
Fultrim: right away
Fultrim: deleted that message
Fultrim: not waiting till i responded
Fultrim: that is the correct action
PantsDoe: Read how the other people responded for a clue on what a normal person sounds like
PantsDoe: you feel that's not insulting?
Fultrim: yes, you should do that
Fultrim: i stand by what I said to you
PantsDoe: because i feel that's insulting
Fultrim: you need to re-read it and decide if you misread that situation and responded inapropriately
Fultrim: how you feel about that is not important. you are acting as a mod when in here
PantsDoe: so that means you get to insult me?
Fultrim: you need to treat that role with more respect in my opinion. you should of re-read what was being said and let it go as you were int he wrong. you were the only person who read it that way
Fultrim: addressing your behavior is not an insult
PantsDoe: "Read how the other people responded for a clue on what a normal person sounds like" in an insult
Fultrim: you are over thinking it again and still being defensive
PantsDoe: regardless of any point you were attempting to make
PantsDoe: all I want is for you to not be insulting when trying to make your points
Fultrim: once again.... takea clue from the normal, non defensive, people and recheck your response
Fultrim: at that moment you were not acting in line with the other, normal, responses
PantsDoe: can you do that?
PantsDoe: i was, in fact
PantsDoe: i copy/pasted the normal responses i gave you
PantsDoe: as far as i can tell, you're ignoring them, then as well as now
Fultrim: you misread the conversation and responded in apropriately
Fultrim: now your doubly down on it
Fultrim: exactly, you misread the conversation and are still doing it
Fultrim: you read it defensively.... everyone else did not
PantsDoe: I read it both ways.
PantsDoe: and gave you both replies
Fultrim: no one else gave the "other" response
Fultrim: why did you feel the need to create an issue where there was none when you saw no one else was taking it that way?
PantsDoe: My purpose was to ensure chat is having a good time and nobody's getting insulted or belittled. Not everyone reading chat responds to it, and I wanted to make sure nobody felt that liking the content here was strange or unusual despite someone questioning that.
Fultrim: @pantsdoe no one had experienced that until you responded
Fultrim: you created the issue
Fultrim: no one else was having that conversation until you responded inapropriately
PantsDoe: You took it way beyond that with constant escalation.
PantsDoe: Don't insult people. Don't escalate.
Fultrim: I deescalated it and ignored it. then someone responded to escalate it and you did nothing about that message. and you did nothing about that message
Fultrim: you didn't do anything till i repeated what I just said in this whisper chat and you deleted that message
Fultrim: once again. you created the issue. you then ignored someone escalating it. then doubled down on your defensive reaction and misused your mod provs
Fultrim: privs
Fultrim: not onlyt hat but right now. someone is calling another persona moron.... you are doing nothing about that message
PantsDoe: I timed you out for 30 seconds because you put a paragraph that took up 1/3 of chat to argue about a topic that you "deescalated"?
PantsDoe: I timed you out for 30 seconds because you put a paragraph that took up 1/3 of chat to argue about a topic that you "deescalated"?
Fultrim: copy and paste that message back so we can see exactly what I said again
Fultrim: see what it actually says
Fultrim: did you even read it?
PantsDoe: I already told you that I wouldn't time you out for the content of the message, but rather because it didn't belong in chat, which is why I immediately whispered you.
Fultrim: what is "it" if not the content
PantsDoe: I feel like you're not reading what I'm saying to you.
PantsDoe: I tell you something, but you keep questioning it over and over
PantsDoe: I tell you again and you circle back to another topic
PantsDoe: just going around in circles
Fultrim: you are tripling down on your mod abuse and defensive message that took a non issue and made it into drama.
Pants_Doe: Look. I just want you to not be insulting. Can you do that?
Fultrim: I want you to stop whispering me and I am forwarding this entire whisper to rifftrax support. I will let them decide if they like your behavior and modding