I'm sure you guys are trying to avoid becoming a behemoth e-tailer like Amazon, but might you consider allow us to buy e-giftcards? You already have a system to provide them for RiffTrax promotions, and you sell physical giftcards. Combining the two might reduce your expenses while encouraging immediate sales.
As an example, I absolutely want to buy Mary Jo & Bridget's new "Home Of The Future" short (and will after I send this!), but usually I just add obviously great shorts to my cart or wish list to buy them when I accumulate enough titles to make a more reasonable credit-card purchase. But with Amazon, I maintain a positive giftcard balance (i.e., pay in advance!) so I can buy inexpensive items for immediate delivery. (Yeah, I could use PayPa as I did yesterday, but then I get tiny transfers from my bank account, which is messy.)
Think about it, won't we?