Starcrash (1978)
How can this not work? Hasselhoff, Plummer, MARJOE GORTNER (for fuck's sake)!
And it's the best Star Wars clone ever.
And SUCH a soundtrack!

Chris Alexander commented
The new season of MST3K did a great job on this one already.
tsarstepan commented
Someone should consolidate the three Starcrash suggestions and combine the tally....
tsarstepan commented
Can you have the admin powers that be, delete this suggestion and move the four votes to...? are already 714 votes under that suggestion's belt.
Andrew Alexander commented
Doesn't get any better (or worse) than this stinkburger
Scott commented
This is an absolute must for RiffTrax! This is the type of bad movie that's perfect for RiffTrax: funny bad, not bad bad. The addition of the guys making fun of it would result in a wonderful synergy of funny. Please consider it!
Anonymous commented
This movie is adorably crummy. It was a cash-in on the success of Star Wars, but it is more like a cross between Flash Gordon and a Ray Harryhausen flick. The robot's strange switch of accents, Caroline Munro's various outfits, Christopher Plummer playing it as straight as he could, a pre-Knight Rider David Hasselhoff and a bad guy who can swish cape with the best of 'em.
MarkSiefert commented
Bad stop-motion robots, Christopher Plummer stopping time, Marjoe Gortner, and THE HOFF! You gotta do it!
Mike Flugennock commented Ripe, stinking "Star Wars" ripoff from 1979. Starring Marjoe Gortner and a young David Hasselhof. 'Nuff said.
Pozzible commented
Yes, this movie was incredibly bad, they were able to locate a spaceship, in space, because of their friction trail they left.
They probably don't need to riff it, just show it, it's bad enough that they did their own riffing
Pozzible commented
I agree, this would be the best riff ever
rjhomer commented
Christopher Plummer HAD to as high as a kite! Holes in his dialogue big enough to drive a truck through!
Kris commented
This movie is a festering turd of awful hilarity. Writing the jokes will be too easy!
Jennifer commented
I actually saw this riffed as part of a fan-made MST3K continuation. It has what is probably THE dumbest deus ex machina in the history of film:
"Imperial Battleship...HALT THE FLOW OF TIME!"
Dan Sargent commented
Anonymous commented
Such a great Star Wars ripoff. The music of John Barry (from the James Bond films) which sounds like it's trying to be Strauss in 2001 a Space Odyssey. Christopher Plummer slumming it. Bad stop motion. The inexplicable Southern robot. So much riffable crap.
kent41084 commented
There is a higher entry for this movie.
Eegah commented
We just rewatched this and are happy to report that it is very riffable. It takes a while for The Hoff to show up, but there's plenty to laugh at all the way through. A third-grader could have written a better script than this.
aquaorbis commented
Giving it 3 points. PLEASE. DO. THIS ONE! I will pay cash money!
MyRowsdower commented
Marjoe Gortner....that's all that needs to be said.
Ed Case commented
A 1978 Italian rip-off/rape of Star Wars. Hastily assembled with Marjoe Gortner as kid's birthday party magician/jedi, and competing against him for best hair is David Hasselhoff. The Hoff plays the son of Emperor Christopher Plummer, who likely owed the mob a ton of money and who still lists "The Sound of Music" as more humiliating. The Youtube link can be found here: